Home / About Mongolia
Position | Jiguur


Mongolia has a land area of 2,392 km from east to west and 1,259 km from north to south, about four times the size of Japan. It borders Russia to the north and China to the south. There are many grasslands from the center to the east, desert areas in the south and west, and forest areas in the north. The Mongolian Altai Mountains extend to the west, with mountains of 3,000 m and 4,000 m high. Although it does not border the sea, it is a country rich in nature with mountains, lakes, rivers and prairies.

Language and Ethnicity | Jiguur

Language and Ethnicity

Mongolian official language is Mongolian. The notation uses the Cyrillic alphabet Russian alphabet. The Kazakhs of the Western region/Bayan-Ulgii use the Kazakh language. About 90% of the ethnic groups are Khalkha, and there are more than 40 minor ethnic groups such as Kazakhs and Buriyads.

Climate | Jiguur


Mongolia has a very dry climate compared to Japan due to being situated in the center of Asia’s continent. In summer, a lot of days exceed 30 celsius, or over 90 to 100 degreesfahrenheit. But then again, there’s a chance that a heavy snow could fall anyday. Sun usually sets around 10 o’clock and until then it’s usually bright outside. During winter times, the weather could drop down to -20 to -30 celsius degrees, or around -10 to -20 degrees Fahrenheit. Static electricity occurs once or twice a month due to the dry climate. Mongolian climate gets extremely cold from October until next year’s April. But in terms of rain or snow, it’s a pretty rare occurrence in Mongolia.

Economy & Industry | Jiguur

Economy & Industry

Mongolia has rich underground resources and a thriving mining industry. After the mining industry, comes livestock herding. Most of the exports are natural resources such as coal, crude oil, copper and cashmere products. Most of the products in Mongolia are imported from China, Russia, South Korea, and Japan. Agricultural products used to be imported from China, but in recent years, more and more companies have boosted the domestic produce using the vast land, and agriculture is becoming a major industry.

History | Jiguur


In 1206, Genghis Khan unified the tribes of Mongolian steppe and became the Khan Emperor, establishing The Great Mongol Empire. He built The Great Mongol empire that extended to Europe. However, the Mongol Empire declined after that and came under the control of the Qing dynasty from the 16th century. In 1911, the Mongolian people declared independence after more than 200 years of Qing Dynasty rule, but China and Imperial Russia made a bilateral/two-sided treaty to declare Mongolia an autonomous country under Chinese suzerainty. In March 1921, the revolutionary movement against feudalism and colonialism increased, and the Mongolian Provisional People's Government and People's Army were created. After that, as an ally of the Soviet Union, the country entered the socialist era, and with the collapse of socialism in Eastern Europe in 1992, Mongolia also switched to a capitalist policy and changed its name from the "Mongolian People's Republic" to "Mongolia".

Learn Mongolia by numbers

Title description
Average marriage age: Female: 24.2 years old Male: 26.2 years old
University enrollment rates: Male students: 40,65% Female students: 59,35%
Yearly number of foreign tourists: Average yearly: 529,370 tourists China: 169,979 tourists Russia: 129,095 tourists Korea: 84,184 tourists Japan: 20,990 tourists
Number of Japanese residents in Mongolia: 552 Japanese residents living in Mongolia
Number of Mongolian students studying in Japan: 3,124 students studying in Japan
Number of Mongolians visiting Japan: 23,365
Mongolian population: 3,296,866 people currnelty living in Mongolia.
Ulaanbaatar's population: 1,597,290 people
Annual gross domestic product: 13.15 billion US dollars
Total number of livestock: Total headcount: 67,343,759 Sheep: 31,086,963 Goats: 26,456,089 Cattle: 5,022,225   Horse: 4,324,444 Camel: 454,038
Lowest point above sea level: Gobi-Altai aimag, Nomingobi souma(527 m)
Highest point above sea level: Bayan-Ulgii aimag, Mount Khuiten(4374 m)
Mongolian landmass: 1,566,500 km2
Population density: 2.1Person/km2 Ulaanbaatar: 317人/km2
Births per year: 78,444 babies are born every year average
Average Mongolian life expectancy: Women: Average 76 years Men: Average 66 years