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The Orkhon valley Cultural Landscape-UNESCO World Heritage Site

The Orkhon valley heritage sites are located in Uvurkhangai province’s Bat-Ulzii, Khujirt, Kharkhorin soums and Arkhangai province’s Hotont and Khashaat soums, covering area is 121967 hectares along the Orkhon river. 

The Orkhon valley place is very suitable to settle down for nomadic people. The nomadic tribes of Central Asia and Mongol descendants inhabited these areas over the several thousand years. The largest empires that originated here were Huns, Syanbi, Nirun, Turks, Uighurs and Khitans. The last Mongolian great Chinggis Khaan built the united Mongolian empire. Also, many historical centers are situated here. Quite large numbers of archaeological remains are found in this area. 

The main memorial sites include Turkish memorial site, dated back to 6-7th century, 8-9th century Uighur capital Khar Balgas and the Mongolian ancient capital Karakorum, the Erdenezuu monastery, which is the earliest Mongolian Buddhist monastery with Tuvkhun monastery and some other small historical monuments also includes in world heritage site.  

The UNESCO World Heritage Committee registered the OrkhonValley site to list of World Cultural Heritage Sites in 2004 by criteria the Orkhon valley is one of the example of nomadic exceptional and unique culture and important & unique example of presentation in one place and within one geographical location the interchange & link of cultural and human civilization values, over a span of time.